

We enable all visionaries, transformers and doers to dream, create and optimize.

We work for and together with organisations with a clear focus on genuine sustainability.

We empower the ones that are willing to be the change that this world needs.

We support those who are willing to have a healthy work culture with truly motivated employees, low sick leave, low turnover, offers that make a difference by adding real value and a vision that moves the world.


Your company is build for transformation. You want to create positive impact by your philosophy, by your great team, and by your products and services. We help you to achieve exactly that. We have the tools to create:

  • a holistic positioning that works from the inside out,
  • pro-active change by navigation models that allow permanent orientation, 
  • great stories to move your audience by adding true value to their lifes,
  • and with all that perfect arguments for potential investors to give you the ressources to achieve your passions and love in sustainable ways.


Your company knows the market, knows the client, has amazing competences on board and serves with products that are trusted. Either the market is too aggressive, you’re missing needs of your customers or inside the company team spirit is missing and conflicts arise. Essentially the daily work feels heavy. This are normal problems during a certain growth phase. Don’t worry, we’re there to address the issues and to make your ship better in navigating the difficulties.

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Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 179 76 77 223
Email: hello@happycompany.rocks

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© Happy Company 2023
Corporate Identity | Culture | Design

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear."
Jack Canfield

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